Recently I have come across a lot of people that cant seem to reach the high notes in their voice with out straining their vocal chords and even worse wrecking their vocal chords. When they sing they reach for the notes instead of open the voice up. If it is out of their range instead of opening up into the head they reach from the chest. This is called chest singing or belting. With in the voice we all have a normal range in which we speak. Our speaking voice usually sits with in our chest. The chest voice if used properly give us a nice rich sound and on a piano would range from about a G below middle C to a A above middle C . As we move up the piano we move into our head voice for girls or falseto for guys. What a lot of untrained vocalist do however, is they sing from their chest into their head voice with out using proper air or placement and this reaks havoc on the vocal chords. If the vocal chords do not have the proper air flow then they respond by working over time. They will move together rapidly to produce a sound by rubbing together. Now if something rubes together rapidly it gets worn out or sore resulting in what is known as a blister. If the voice is continually used this way it can cause blisters on the vocal chords. That is why a singer will begin to loose their voice or feel a dry soreness on their vocal chords, and as they sing you will hear a strained sound.
There are few things that can be done to correct this
1. Open up your voice
- you can do this by yawning, when we yawn our throat naturally opens up
2. Proper breathing
- this starts with the abdomen, try to expand the stomach out when you sing not in
3. Get some help - Sign up for lessons
- if you feel like your vocal chords are straining when you sing you need to get some lessons
hopefully that is why you are checking out this site.
Those are just a few tips
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